Subsequently, with the institution of a regular Ottoman administration, governors with the title of pasha ruled.
After the resignation of the congress provincial ministries in 1939, the governors did directly rule the ex-Congress provinces throughout the war.
Under the Rajah, local chiefs or governors known as Nayaks ruled over each district.
However the provincial governor ruled the results improper, disqualified one of the candidates, and ordered a fresh election.
British governors ruled these new territories absolutely until the Constitutional Act of 1791, which created the first Canadian legislatures.
The governor ruled both Asante and the Northern Territories by proclamations until 1946.
Forward governors, who were military commanders, ruled and administered forward territories.
For the next 150 years, military governors ruled Youzhou autonomously.
Italian-appointed governors ruled this puppet state from 1941 through 1943, and when Italy withdrew, the region came under direct control by German troops.
Under the Kassite government, the governor of Nippur ruled as a secondary (lesser) king.