The governor, through the State Budget Office, submits an annual budget.
Accordingly, newly elected governor Thomas Metcalfe submitted both men to the legislature for confirmation, but the nominations were defeated in the state senate.
The governor submits a proposed budget to the Joint Budget Committee each year in advance of the year's legislative session.
Ms. Arduin said she would complete her work by mid-January, when the new governor must submit a budget.
The governors have submitted a new proposal to the Senate that differs in significant ways from the bill written and passed by House Republicans.
But only days after a judge threw out two lawsuits challenging his position, the governor submitted the bill requiring legislative approval and local referendums.
The administration replaced that rule with a policy of state-by-state management under which governors submit recommendations for the use of national forest lands within their borders.
The governor submitted a bill last Tuesday.
Since then, the governor has submitted budgets that he says are responsible plans, not a floor to be raised during negotiations.
In Albany, the governor submits appropriations that the Legislature can veto or reduce.