The Commission indicated that numerous methods were used to grab land falling under this category.
Once it find its prey, it will suddenly take flight, grab the insect, and land on another perch.
They liked the idea of chucking off the aristocratic burden, grabbing new land and having lower taxes.
Will the military be able to grab major land holdings, or will they be held accountable and obey the law?
Some people can grab land and pass it off lightly as a moral duty; others are dubbed imperialist merely for holding onto their own.
He reveals to them his latest scheme to grab land and power.
In reality their lives will be made even more miserable, as the barons grab land and destroy the environment in pursuit of profit.
The violence was instead linked to individuals who are said to have grabbed land for speculative purposes.
Their intentions are unclear: Do they hope to grab land from Zaire?
While residents will be relocated, some feel the city is simply grabbing land that is desirably close to a wealthy neighborhood.