The series grabbed viewers in its first week on the air in October and has only gotten stronger.
The veterans involved with "Michael Hayes" know how to grab viewers.
NO reality show has grabbed viewers this summer the way "American Idol" did last year.
That may be true of all the new shows, most of which used the less-than-avid interest in this year's baseball playoffs to grab viewers in the first week.
And it is grabbing viewers and getting them to sign on for the long ride.
Of course, that means a chance to grab viewers first, as well as potentially to damage the prospects of the show that follows later.
Despite a dream cast, "Rebound" becomes a static drama that never grabs viewers the way it should.
The original two-hour pilot, which explains the future and how the crew got there, was put on the shelf because it was considered too slow to grab viewers.
"The River" will try to grab viewers with an eight-episode miniseason.