Despite a graceful appearance he was in his movements clumsy "on a legendary scale."
Statuette height 38 cm, made of bronze, clearly transmitting plastic eagle and his menacing, graceful appearance.
His appearance, tall and thin, unselfconsciously graceful, suggested the chieri blood that was said to run in his family.
It grows about 2.5 ft tall and 3 ft wide, with many stems and a graceful appearance.
The trees are generally of a drooping, graceful appearance.
To Ursula she had always given pleasure, because of her clear, decided, yet graceful appearance.
A more graceful appearance, especially of the head, was established as well.
The clone is characterized by thin and delicate stems, giving it a very graceful appearance.
Current computer technology cannot reproduce the graceful appearance of a good hand drawn map.
Its long barrel, short cradle, long trails, and relatively low silhouette gives it the most graceful appearance of any Japanese artillery piece.