Then, in a flash of brown and cream, Lura went through, making a more graceful landing.
The Altan lord watched in fascination as Avatre backwinged to a soft and graceful landing, and Kiron slid off her back, wincing, but not without patting her affectionately.
It had three slender, graceful landing supports.
As soon as Nabeth came to a graceful landing across the roadway from the beasthold, he turned to Oklina.
Lois is just a hard-working reporter at The Daily Planet, but she needs a balcony where Superman can make graceful landings.
The ski jumper eventually made a graceful landing on the ground as performers released confetti (to represent a snowplow stop) and cheered as the segment came to a close.
He cut the horizontal thrust to zero and let the vertical thrust slowly die away, trying for a graceful landing to match the rest of his smooth flight.
A wide, guardrail-bordered catwalk connected the terrace to a large, round landing pad, where the Runabout Tsavo descended to a graceful landing.
By its flickering light, he saw Lydia grin and Tich'ki come to a graceful landing on the bed.
At the last possible moment she flipped and opened her wings, back-winging in a thunder of wingbeats, breaking her fall and turning it into a true and graceful landing at the entrance to the valley.