Tomson hoisted Sulu over her shoulder in a graceful move that wasted little effort.
Hutson, the league's first true wide receiver, changed the game with his graceful moves, precise patterns, and superb hands.
He might have just as easily broken her spine over it with a simple, graceful move, like breaking a loaf of bread to start a feast.
With a graceful, careless move he was gone from the room.
Chris Morris, a rookie, slithered to the basket, scoring on graceful moves.
In a single, fluidly graceful move, she straightened up from the column, and he discovered how close to each other they were standing.
With a graceful move, he kicked a twisted scrap of metal, sending it clattering into the street.
There was nothing but the smooth flex and bunch of muscle with every graceful move he made.
"This is a very graceful move for him to move on to his next set of challenges."
She picked the baby up and handed him over in one graceful move; the child's eyes followed her as his mother turned away.