Every muscle in her body was perfectly defined, standing out in a graceful pattern of swells and hollows all over her arms, legs, belly, and back.
Her arms wove graceful patterns as her body undulated before him.
The bedstead, chairs, and lounges, were of bamboo, wrought in peculiarly graceful and fanciful patterns.
In another, the three horses and four dancers move around one another in sweeping, graceful patterns.
Throughout the city, the slender and bare black branches of linden trees weave graceful, chalicelike patterns against the gray sky.
Dragons, a great crowd of them, moved among one another in a precise and graceful pattern.
The graceful pattern of linked hexagons caught the eye, he had to give it that.
The typical scaffold has slender, hollow rods arranged in a graceful cross-hatch pattern.
They circled slowly, hands weaving in deceptively gentle, graceful patterns.
So she watched the dancers, entranced, as the beautiful people moved in graceful patterns on the silver-edged grass.