A gentle, gracious and caring man who touched all that knew him.
Bolan passed right through them and received his first challenge inside, by two gracious men in formal wear.
He was a gracious, funny, engaging man, who encouraged us all to strive for the absolute best in everything we did.
In the neighboring country, there lived a Prince named Michael - the most gracious man of all.
He seemed a gracious man, straightforward enough, and he was an accomplished media art director.
I didn't know what to say, but he was such a gracious man.
It populated his world with beautiful women and gracious men.
"Good gracious, man, you seem to forget that I'm a married man!"
The General was a gracious man, at least by his own lights.
Mr. Becker is a big, gracious man of 48 who appears slightly stunned by his success.