He was of a gracious presence, and he welcomed men with such urbanity that those who spoke with him rarely left him displeased.
She will be deeply missed by all of us who came to know her through her warm and gracious presence at Museum meetings and events.
The gracious presence of Lord Guruvayoorappan was there at the venue of the Sathram on all the days .
This is not sticky, for it manifests a generosity of spirit and gracious presence that strikes an emotional response in an audience.
She touched us all with her gentle kindness and gracious presence.
Then he removed his gracious presence.
She was a presence, gracious and well tempered, who seemed to epitomize the character of the island.
The gracious presence within me said: Yes, for this deed Janos Bolyai is made a saint and admitted to the nearness of God.
We will miss her luminous and gracious presence.
With a courtly bow the Wizard ushered the three visitors into the gracious presence of Glinda, the Good.