The problem was exacerbated by a gradual switch from the 1870s onwards from the older cesspit methods of sewage disposal to pail closets, which required regular emptying.
Opposition to nuclear power, and proposes a gradual switch to wind energy as the nation's base energy source.
The gradual switch to surface mining is ending a mining culture that has gone on here for generations.
The first, 'conservative' option proposes a gradual switch to market principles over an unspecified number of years.
An end to routine participation in the agricultural cycle marked completion of the gradual switch from temporary to permanent city dweller.
To the Altavar, the Coldah became their whole life, and in a probably gradual switch they came not only to accept the existence of these creatures but to actually work with them.
Later on, iron ores brought about a gradual switch from copper to iron mining.
I regard a gradual switch as being the correct approach and one where consideration is given to our country' s levels of taxation.
The coal industry survived several disasters, including an explosion at the Baltimore Colliery in 1919 that killed 92 miners, but it could not survive the gradual switch to other energy sources.