Even on the basketball court, he played with detachment, only gradually allowing himself to express emotion.
But June Lassiter gradually allowed herself to break into a smile.
This may gradually allow us to reduce the need for animal experiments.
By 1943, Antonescu was gradually allowing those deported to return home.
But it was natural that he should gradually allow himself to be over-persuaded by Clennam, and should yield.
He, therefore, gradually allowed his attention to be devoted to those mathematical researches in which he had already given such promise of distinction.
Collier's actions gradually allow Shawn to see him in a less flattering light, though he continues to believe his goals are worth fighting for.
Last year, it allowed its currency to appreciate modestly, and promised to gradually allow more gains, though those have been small so far.
When all flowering has finished, gradually allow soil to dry off; in time leaves will yellow.
All three actors give subtle, compelling performances, as they gradually allow the characters' secret selves to emerge.