In men's fashion, black gradually ceded its dominance to navy blue, particularly in business suits.
Through 26 separate treaties with the United States federal government, Native American tribes in Nebraska gradually ceded the lands currently comprising the state.
With those words emblazoned on a screen behind him, he laid out a possible exit path for American troops, who would gradually cede control to their Iraqi counterparts.
After World War I the Lieutenant Governor gradually ceded control to Tynwald, a process guided by the reports of commissions and other bodies in 1911, 1959 and 1969.
The crux of the Oslo agreement was that Israel would gradually cede control of the Palestinian territories over to the Palestinians in exchange for peace.
Mirroring Tanglewood's history, the Norfolk experience is one of private wealth gradually ceding to public good.
The scarlet, ephemeral, mainly clayey fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the Alemoa Member gradually cede to more sandy, occasionally gravelly deposits of a braided river-system that was operational all-year-round.
Instead of gradually ceding or sharing power, political analysts say, General Musharraf and his backers appear to be growing more brazen in their statements, actions and dominance.
Initially, Creek groups gradually ceded lands to European settlers.
But if all goes well during the first 5 to 10 years, NATO would gradually cede more security functions to the Conference.