They were gradually conquered by Germans during the 10th century.
However they gradually conquered eastern and southern Britain.
Germanic tribes, particularly the Goths, gradually conquered the western provinces.
It is believed that he came from Cyprus when the island was gradually conquered by the Turks.
However, as Greek culture gradually conquered Rome, dancing had less educational value and was more for entertainment purposes.
Scottie tries to gradually conquer his fear but Midge suggests another severe emotional shock may be the only cure.
Second Bulgarian Empire, gradually conquered by the Ottomans in the late 14th-early 15th century.
Goguryeo gradually conquered and absorbed all its neighbors, and destroyed the last Chinese commandery in 313.
The next year they gradually conquered the mountain fortress system that surrounded the Dacian capital, Sarmisegetusa.
From this stronghold, the entire region was gradually conquered and annexed to the property of East India Company.