To the south of the city some hours later, the myriad waterways gradually converged and the delta gave way to the river proper, broad and stately, flowing between green banks.
We are converging on it gradually.
East of the Blue Ridge, the two pathways gradually converge, meeting again at Richmond.
Like many of Mr. Vonnegut's novels, "Hocus Pocus" is a retrospective first-person narrative in which several time and story lines gradually converge.
They will also gradually converge, giving the cornea a cloudiness that may also reduce vision.
Firstly, views are gradually converging regarding the future presidency of council formations, although the matter has to be reviewed in the context of a comprehensive proposal covering all the institutional structures of the future enlarged European Union.
After many iterations, the surface will gradually converge onto a smooth limit surface.
Convergent problems are ones in which attempted solutions gradually converge on one solution or answer.
It was in the midst of such disappointments that two initiatives gradually converged to give birth to what has since become the Midlands State University.