After subsequent settlement by Spaniards and other European peoples, mainly Portuguese, the remaining Guanches were gradually diluted by the settlers and their culture largely vanished.
Savchenko's influence was gradually diluted since 1962, with the rise of Yuri Andropov, an enemy of Khrushchev.
A group of the immigrants settled in the interior and other group settle in the capital (In any case, the descendants of some Canarian families established in Buenos Aires, have diluted gradually throughout Argentina).
It has been gradually diluted by radio and television.
The original Nağaybäk race was gradually diluted with an inflow of other Christianized Tatars recruited into cossack service (Yasak Tatars and Tiptärs).
Potentised preparations are gradually diluted substances, whereby at each diluting step a rhythmic succussion (liquid potencies) or trituration (solid potencies) is carried out.
The mess has been gradually diluted and will finally make its way into Lake Ontario, where it will do the fish there no good.
The narrator speaks with gentle assonance, 'the snow lavender-blue' is symbolic of natural purity, but this is gradually diluted as the British presence becomes clearer.
The reforms already set in train were either dropped immediately or gradually diluted, and from 1883 a period of intense reaction set in.
The units were commanded by their own tribal chieftains, but were gradually diluted by recruits from other areas.