The group gradually disbanded with each member going his own way, and singer Paul Robinson and guitarist John Catto remaining in London, England.
These citywide units were gradually disbanded.
Ending on 10 September 2004, the Project Rio fleet was gradually disbanded, with power cars moving to First Great Western, GNER or CrossCountry.
This, however, is not entirely true, Griffith did not disband the force during his term in government, it was only gradually disbanded during the mid to late 1890s.
After Hermit Limited assumes the administration of the government, the army shall be gradually disbanded.
The army was gradually disbanded.
During the Meiji period the samurai class was gradually disbanded and the special privileges granted to them were taken away including the right to carry swords in public.
After the war, in January 1946, while the interim force was gradually disbanded and the permanent force was formed, the 2nd Battalion returned to CFB Shilo.
Deseret Film Productions was gradually disbanded.
Following the Armistice all units of the Territorial Force were gradually disbanded.