To begin with only the wealthy could afford to fly, but passenger lists gradually diversified.
At the same time a large portion of the original population was displaced by southern migrants, and the neighborhood has gradually diversified.
Barings gradually diversified from wool into many other commodities, providing financial services necessary for the rapid growth of international trade.
The bank has gradually diversified its range of financial services, and began to offer insurance in 2002.
The company gradually diversified into electricity and into a number of different locations.
In 1986 the Birthdays concept was launched, and the product range gradually diversified to include novelties, soft toys and ornaments.
Local employment has gradually diversified, especially into the tourism and service, a move sustained by the moshav's guest houses and the Cochin heritage center.
After shedding British control, the Australians gradually diversified into other rubber products - footwear, battery casings, cable coverings, rainwear, gloves and condoms.
Manufacturing subsequently gradually diversified into electrical equipment.
Since the 1960's, Mr. Oppenheimer has gradually diversified his family's interests internationally.