Malta held a marginal lead over the first half before Latvia gradually edged ahead, finally claiming victory with 176 points to Malta's 164.
Alexei followed the direction of his father's gaze, and saw that Hulagu and Kaidu were edging gradually to the front of the group watching the smith.
The upward lift of whirlwinds-once there were six within ten minutes-and the thrusts of the repellers gradually edged the Erebus to the surface.
In midstretch, Dayjur gradually edged ahead of Safely Kept and looked well on his way to victory.
The Blue World shook and roiled, the blueness quickly collapsing into a muddy gray glow that continued to soften, edging gradually toward blackness.
Gradually edge a foot back, ready to lift the body vertically for a few inches before the lunge forward.
Entirety of Owen Coyle's XI start edging gradually towards the tunnel.
Over the months that followed, the United States gradually edged toward war in the Atlantic.
As data transmission and graphics improve, all services will gradually edge closer to the possibilities of interactive television.
Then he gradually edged the box into the lift and rode downstairs with it.