The roar of wind through the hull gradually lessened to a whisper, then to silence.
Close on her footsteps came the soldiers, the distance gradually lessening between them.
Although with gradually lessening numbers, the body-guard remained practically the same.
Such symptoms do gradually lessen over time, eventually disappearing altogether.
This sensation is usually mild and should gradually lessen over time with continued regular use of the medicine.
This gradually lessened through the spring and disappeared completely in the summer.
This gradually lessens, particularly during the child's entrance into formal schooling.
After the 1980s, the role of government in the economy gradually lessened as many government-owned corporations were privatized.
The 18th century was a period of great development in European royal architecture, as the need for a fortified residence gradually lessened.
The distance gradually lessened, though, and Huma soon realized that the light was also coming toward them.