She put her hands to the container and stretched it wide, so that it gradually reformed into a broad, shallow dish.
And if we don't gradually reform the system while protecting current beneficiaries, it won't be there when future retirees need it.
Watching in fascination, she saw that the material was gradually reforming.
While still seeking to maintain white dominance, the UP argued in favour of gradually reforming the political system so that black South Africans could eventually, at some unspecified point in the future, exercise some sort of power in a racially integrated South Africa.
In it she describes how a gradually reforming postal system in the 17th and 18th centuries enabled ordinary people - labourers, sailors and merchants - to run their businesses and maintain contact with loved ones.
The Reagan Administration has operated for six years on that belief: Just jolly President Botha along, nudging him occasionally, and he will gradually reform white supremacy out of existence.
Stung by the criticism, Liechtenstein gradually reformed some of its laws.
In subsequent world history, Communist states run according to Marxist-Leninist ideologies have either collapsed or gradually reformed their centrally-planned economies toward market-based economies, for example with perestroika and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Chinese economic reform, and Đổi Mới in Vietnam.
Indeed, as Britain's penal system gradually reformed, it began to deal with more of its minor offenders at home, and therefore transported a higher proportion of serious offenders to Western Australia.
In addition to school boycotts, general strikes and guerrilla action taken by the ANC, they made South Africa ungovernable and forced the Apartheid government to gradually reform until it was finally abolished in 1994.