Under such a program, people can retire gradually, starting at age 60 or so.
All workers should be able to retire gradually by working part-time over several years.
The aircraft were retired in 1997 and gradually sold off by the end of the decade.
As the decade began, the '70s Rams players gradually retired, but the team still reached the playoffs eight times between 1980 and 1989.
She maintained the office until the mid-1980's when she gradually retired.
He gradually retired from the family business and began his involvement with Quaker meetings.
Over 20 years or so, they would gradually retire, freeing places for younger scholars and teachers.
Spantax of Spain had a large fleet until they were gradually retired in the mid-1980s.
The H-4 trains were gradually retired throughout the fall of 2011, with the last cars leaving service on January 27, 2012.
The trains will be gradually retired to make way for a new generation of even faster trains.