Thus, while in public acts he maintained the observance of the Republican calendar, he was gradually reviving the old calendar by seasons of festivity.
Saint-Louis, however, has remained an important tourist and trading center and the city's economy, though not entirely recovered, is gradually reviving.
He gradually revived.
The town remained half-ruined until the 1960s, when the town began to gradually revive due to its recreational potential.
John gradually revived the family fortune.
In recent years John has provided artwork for ice rink pantomimes while gradually reviving his oil painting skills, mainly doing portraits of skating friends.
With a gradually reviving export network, the Volga has made progress on the road to recovery, with nearly 70,000 cars produced in 2004.
But later this year, work will begin to erect housing on two parking lots across Neilson Street from each other and not far from this city's gradually reviving downtown.
It revived gradually and developed, following the general lines of the first scheme.
The city's industrial base, established during the Soviet period, largely collapsed after the break-up of the Soviet Union and has started to revive only gradually.