You should gradually shorten the light cycle until you reach fourteen hours.
The roll call of ailing Yankee pitchers is shortening gradually.
This is the feeling that the phantom limb is gradually shortening over time.
When the side reins are first applied during a workout, they should be adjusted long and gradually shortened as the horse warms up into them.
They stood in the midst of a sea of brown savannah grass, their long shadows gradually shortening with the rising sun.
The artillery batteries gradually shortened their range until they reached the start line for the creeping barrage.
Waistcoats gradually shortened until they were waist-length and cut straight across.
The dwarven scout gradually shortened the gap between them, though during the pursuit he did not spot the ogre again.
So with each cell division, the chromosomes gradually shorten.
The intervals between attacks will gradually shorten over the next few Turns as the Red Star draws closer.