But following those whistle blasts, the speed of the train gradually slackened.
Watching her, Hagan saw the tension in her body gradually slacken, and the hard lines of her face grow softer.
CHAPTER 7 Stalemate Ritardando - Gradually slackening in speed The long VeeRon day-cycle passed slowly, every hour bringing a few degrees' retreat toward Twinnich.
She loosened the tourniquet very slightly, and then gradually slackened it.
The storm gradually slackened to drizzle as the sky grew lighter; the landscape was dreary, even without the devastations of warfare all about them.
Sandwiched between her and the wall, he gradually slackened after the violent release, clinging to her as if she were his lifeline.
From that period on court martial proceedings slackened and gradually disappeared.
Chapter Fourteen THE SNOW GRADUALLY slackened throughout the rest o the day and by evening only a few solitary flakes drifted down through the darkening air as they set up for the night in a grove of dense spruces.
Gunfire from the Dutch ship gradually slackened, and finally stopped at 06:10, the Dutch flag was struck from the mast and Pallas surrendered with over 40 casualties from a crew of 250 (including 50 local recruits).
Skimming lightly over the ground at first, she gradually slackened her pace, and slowed down to a very sober walk until she came to a three-storied so-called "cottage" overlooking the Bay, then with a sigh she opened the gate, and went into the house by the servant's entrance.