After these four years, graduates can apply for a master's program at a university.
Students and recent graduates of culinary schools may also apply.
Employers will expect graduates to apply their new values, skills and knowledge to a career in the fashion industry.
These graduates can also practically apply sufficient knowledge of economics and law.
Graduates can apply for specific jobs and compare different graduate training schemes.
Graduates can apply skills learned in business, government and not-for-profit settings.
Graduates of the program may then apply to become teaching assistants on the bus, which pays $1.50 a session.
Elementary graduates from Nanjing usually apply to its junior middle school by taking a series of examinations.
Graduates of engineering colleges can apply at the Engineer level if they are between the ages of 18 and 28 years.
Graduates from medical school can apply directly to hospitals for staff physician-in-training positions which eventually lead to a staff position at that same hospital.