Other graduates in law may chose other jobs, which do not demand registration at the bar association.
Over 80% of School of Pharmacy graduates have chosen to practice in Texas.
However, some graduates choose to continue on to doctoral studies in urban planning or cognate fields.
In addition, many such graduates have chosen to start careers in management consulting or investment banking firms, lured by high salaries.
Many graduates from the university choose to stay on in the area, giving local companies a rich pool of talent to draw upon .
Some graduates still choose to wear both on their left hand.
Some schools have mentors (mostly alumni or parents) who help graduates choose a college and who arrange practical training for them.
Please note that not all graduates entering full-time employment chose to disclose their salary details.
Increasingly, many Irsyad graduates are choosing the secular academic pathway.
Recent graduates of college powerhouses can choose between two pro leagues, a winter one and a summer one.