GAT is aimed at graduates seeking admission to postgraduate education.
Aimed at graduates and others seeking employment in the Small Business Sector.
But as part of its computation, U.S. News removes graduates not seeking employment - 39 in the case of U.C.L.A.
In the current economic and social climate for graduates it is difficult enough for graduates seeking employment in highly competitive industries, and this extra burden makes it nearly impossible.
For Capital's class of 2010, 85 percent of graduates seeking employment were employed within nine months of graduation, based upon data reported by 140 of the 177 graduating students.
The college route into teaching has never been exclusive; university-based qualification has been a proper alternative, especially for graduates seeking a career in secondary education.
This burden becomes even greater as graduates seeking to manage debt apply for extended payment schedules, which reduce monthly payments, but increase overall interest payments and, without interest deductibility, taxes owed.
Mr. Kraver founded the law firm of Kraver & Levy and was generous in offering his professional expertise to fellow graduates seeking a legal career.
The School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPaCE) provides post-baccalaureate diploma programs for graduates seeking continuing education in various business-related fields.
Hankyoreh enjoys high popularity and prestige among graduates seeking employment, with over 8,000 applicants applying for 33 positions as of 2006.