Grades one through eight were taught, and graduation certificates were handed out.
"It's a one-day thing, but everyone gets a graduation certificate," he said.
"I knew one teacher, a chemistry teacher, who brought me to my Abitur," her graduation certificate.
He described handing out graduation certificates to the students: "I won't forget the emotions of these young people, who were so reflective.
Pang comes back to his apartment the next morning and finds his room with a Jennifer's graduation certificate.
There is no credit system; after two years of attendance you will receive a graduation certificate.
After finishing the special training project, students will receive their graduation certificate and diploma.
All participants received a graduation certificate upon completion of Uth!
After five years of poor progress all he could manage was a two-year graduation certificate.
Would you be so kind as to give them their graduation certificates and expiration of term-served papers.