There was always a ship, or might be, down at the docks beside the grain barges.
There were nothing but broad, round-bowed grain barges docked here, and the same anchored in the river waiting their turn to unload.
Let the grain barges stop a week, and they won't laugh.
Eight large grain barges tied up at the Stone's docks late this afternoon.
The city docks were reserved for the grain barges and the pleasure craft of the lords and ladies.
Yes master, We have the captured grain barge almost ready.
He had heard reports that one of the human grain barges had been stolen.
Kadere would not be going to Tar Valon on grain barges.
The last of his drivers who had sworn the oaths had vanished two days ago, very likely on one of the grain barges.
"We have a towboat pushing ten grain barges coming up ahead," announced Ming Lin.