Divide the grain mixture evenly among the squashes and cover the baking dish tightly with foil.
The typical grain mixture for bourbon, known as the mash bill, is a minimum of 51% corn, with the remainder being wheat, rye, and/or malted barley.
On the day of serving, Add eggs and flour to the grain mixture.
This is often followed by distillation of fermented fruit or grain mixtures (Spirits such as whiskey, rum, vodka and gin are distilled.)
Koji culturing: An equal amount of boiled soybeans and roasted wheat are mixed to form a grain mixture.
A culture of Aspergillus spore is added to the grain mixture and mixed or the mixture is allowed to gather spores from the environment itself.
Therefore, the grain mixture was adjusted by adding up to 30% corn to the barley malt mash.
We lapsed into silence for a few moments, as I creamed the rest of the fat into the grain mixture, pausing to flick away occasional bits of gristle.
Commercially made additives for compost usually contain these organisms, dried and packaged in a grain mixture.
Some starters also contain cultures to acidify the grain mixture through lactic fermentation.