The market dropped from its highs on spillover selling from the grain pits, where a large sell order for wheat caused a plunge late in the session.
FOR the better part of three years, business in the grain pits at the Board of Trade here has not been exactly brisk.
It contains sealed grain pits.
But rainfall during the weekend was more widespread than anticipated, and forecasts of more storm systems this week contributed to strong selling sentiment in the grain pits.
They'd put him in an unused grain pit a few feet from the corral where the horses had been put.
The plunge in the soybean market, which occurred in the last 10 minutes of trading, prompted sympathetic selling in the nearby grain pits.
In the long-dormant grain pits, meanwhile, all corn deliveries jumped in early trading by the limit of 10 cents, to $2.07 per bushel of 56 pounds.
Shaka's corpse was dumped into an empty grain pit by his assassins and filled with stones and mud.
Today, a small museum adjoins the site of King Shaka's grave, a grain pit, in the town centre.
Inside and near the entrance of the Nyakamubi kraal, there was a newly dug grain pit.