Prices were increased for grain quotas delivered to the state-owned agricultural marketing corporation.
During 1929-1933, the grain quotas were placed artificially high.
And that means they still have to hand over to the Government a yearly grain quota.
Worried about declining grain production as farmers shifted to more lucrative market crops, the Government last year went back to grain quotas at fixed prices.
Beijing relied on compulsory grain quotas to supply cheap food to city dwellers.
He was directed to report what steps be had taken to meet new grain quotas set in our such-and-such.
The talk was all of trade, of grain quotas, of the movement of dried fish and root crops.
Forced grain quotas imposed upon the rural peasants and brutal terror contributed to the widespread famine despite the large grain harvest and good weather.
Benjamin Valentino notes that "communist officials sometimes tortured and killed those accused of failing to meet their grain quota."
Two days later, a law was passed forcing peasants who could not meet their grain quotas to surrender any livestock they had.