As to the functions themselves, they are deprived of their pragmatic identity and cast in a role in which they resemble the grammatical units that they replace.
In grammar, a clause is the smallest grammatical unit that can express a complete proposition.
A sentence is a grammatical unit consisting of one or more words that are grammatically linked.
Strictly speaking (for them), the domain of information structure is not the clause as a grammatical unit but the tone group as a phonological unit.
They need not correspond to grammatical units such as phrases and clauses, though they may; and these facts suggest insights into how the brain processes speech.
Langacker argues that even abstract grammatical units like part-of-speech classes are semantically motivated and involve certain conceptualizations.
The principles governing an F-E translation would then be: reproduction of grammatical units; consistency in word usage; and meanings in terms of the source context.
It is not a grammatical unit, like a clause or a sentence; and it is not defined by its size [.
In linguistics, a morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit in a language.
These grammatical units could generate an infinite number of sentences, the sentence remaining the largest unit of analysis.