Burgundy's grand chateaus, however, have official opening hours and organized tours.
He occupies a rather grand chateau, where he is wooed by the serving girls as part of a Resistance mission to steal the knackwurst.
Pope Innocent VIII confirmed his rights as seigneur in what was papal territory in 1489, and Vesc constructed a grand château, completed in 1486.
The ambassador of Eritrea was welcomed to the house on Kalorama Road, even as the French ambassador, who lives directly across the street in a grand chateau, was snubbed.
Choosing as his setting a grand chateau that is a family-owned hotel, Mr. Vinterberg presents a birthday reunion that becomes a black-tie psyche-bashing blowout with latter-day Shakespearean overtones.
Anne abhors any snobbish associations with her beloved region, so don't expect the fussy formalities of the grand château here.
A farming area with extensive woodland and a grand chateau.
She is even interesting, and not especially annoying, when writing about tasting the best claret in the grandest chateaus of Bordeaux.
For full-blown château splendour, you can't top Chambord, one of the crowning examples of French Renaissance architecture, and by far the largest, grandest and most visited château in the Loire Valley.
One detailed drawing shows a grand chateau with vineyards, tennis court and swimming pool.