Over 100,000 construction workers came to survey the plans; many were distributed salaries to start the building of the grand city.
They had towers in Their grand cities for the spreading of light focused through jewels.
Maybe the future generations of this once grand city will someday experience the saving awakenings before it is too late.
Even now, in the grandest city of the world, he was unsure whether they were worth his while.
There isn't a grander city on the face of the earth.
It is a grand city once again and Leipzigers are enjoying the sensation of coming up for air.
My, that must be a grand city, London-- and neither of us ever seen it yet!
But clearly this had been a grand city.
Arthur, after the land was surveyed again, was able to raise substantial funds to begin his grand city.
New York cuisine is a reflection of the grand, ambitious city.