She learned from the popular female impersonator Bert Savoy but made his grand flourishes sly and neat.
Ib Andersen's rapport with Miss Ashley was notable - his gestures were ornamented with grand flourishes.
The irregularly rhymed, heterometric 10-line stanza he uses here is strict enough to strain out unnecessary detail but flexible enough to accommodate grand descriptive flourishes.
The confusion was complete as a huge knot of fighting men rushed wildly into the entryway and the halls beyond, shouting for Balinor and waving their drawn weapons with grand flourishes.
Mr. Thomas has provided just that, operating without grand flourishes and public pronouncements.
With a robust and versatile voice, Mr. Baroudi twists his way gracefully through everything from hard disco beats to grand orchestral flourishes.
But these grand flourishes of sadism seem crude against the quick, raw studies of patients at the pain clinic.
He had no liking for grand oratorical flourishes.
Her handwriting was of the old school, surprisingly firm, a clear cursive with grand flourishes and well-formed capital letters.
No grand flourishes.