A reporter near him sneered, "The grand panjandrum himself.
So we notified the grand panjandrums.
"The grand panjandrums, as you call them."
Professor Rice, who calls himself the grand panjandrum of the contest, said the judging committee is made up mainly of English teachers.
A fauntleroy, a grand panjandrum?
This chap's a nephew of their grand panjandrum!
The inspectors performed difficult work with great courage; the grand panjandrums of American foreign policy have not.
Two women, the prettiest of all the lovely women there, stepped to one side and revealed the grand high panjandrum of these esoteric goings on.
Certainly he is the grand panjandrum of paranoid expatriation, an almost perfect example in his life and work of a familiar American syndrome.
Financial Times writes that "Dharavi is the grand panjandrum of the Mumbai slums".