Being the architect and the first creator of the largest technical project in Podunavlje, he began the era of grand hydrotechnical works in that region.
Are my works grand enough for you?
After 1901 the firm began developing the distinctive stylistic elements that finally came together as a cohesive whole in their grand works of 1907-09.
Once you are satisfied with a composition, you can save it and import it into grander works.
More successful are the grandest choral works of Beethoven and Brahms.
The mystical tinge of many of the grandest works makes them alluring, if elusive.
The new Egyptian authorities undertook grand works of urban planning and sanitation.
St Mary's church was consecrated in 1898, one of Mountfort's final grand works.
He believes his 107-seat theater favors intimate operas, and when asked about his productions of the grander works, it is the coziness that he emphasizes.
Included are The Crucifixion from 1933 and nine of his large triptychs - the last and arguably the grandest works in his legacy.