"We just want you to be aware that the profession you're choosing is not going to be the same profession your father and grandfather chose."
From the moment her grandfather chose her name.
She was married before she met your father, wed to the tanjian monk our grandfather chose for her.
The man isn't the type an over-protective grandfather chooses.
Your grandfather, and my father, chose one each of their offspring upon whom to experiment.
There was a risk that the subjects might be damaged in the attempt, so your grandfather chose you as the most expendable.
He had often wondered why his grandfather had chosen that moment.
Oke's grandfather had chosen the career for him believing it was "how white people made their money", as his grandfather put it.
They still use Occident flour, the brand their grandfather chose for bread.
My grandfather chose with wisdom when he broke the tradition and made her a member of the Guard.