Facing the river along Zhongshan Road are some grandiose old buildings, a bit the worse for wear.
Open-work steel trusses are clearly visible, and they demonstrate the elegance of the grandiose building.
France's ruling monarchs - whether royal or republican - have long understood that grandiose buildings are a good way of recording their passage through power.
Old photographs show a huge, grandiose building loosely in the Gothic style, but with an almost Neuschwanstein quality.
The gallery was in a grandiose Italianate building, richly decorated and furnished.
The station was a grandiose building, with two semi cylindrical roofs covering much of the platforms.
All in the hope of introducing a modern project amidst the grandiose historic buildings of Florence's core.
But only the rather grandiose baroque building across from a McDonald's boasts a personal connection to the poet.
Whether a single building, however grandiose, can transform downtown Los Angeles is an open question.
However the construction of such grandiose building in a year was unheard of at the time and required many safety measures to be taken.