Though methods and themes vary from year to year, the seniors always process in a grandiose fashion, with themes ranging from Roman Times to Superheroes.
Younger critics tend to regard him as an anachronism, an arrogant dinosaur trying in ever more grandiose fashion to recreate a forgotten and, today, irrelevant past.
On their self-titled debut album, they kick their sound over the top repeatedly in a very grandiose fashion.
China's first major marina outside of Hong Kong has been completed in grandiose fashion in Qingdao, site of the sailing competition at next year's Olympic Games.
All this is set off in grandiose fashion by the wide pearl binding.
They go through the underground city and Chen leads them into the control room in grandiose fashion.
Either by disposition or upbringing, I tend to view anything inclement as an invitation to triumph, generally in grandiose fashion.
When any man chooses to die in such a grandiose fashion, it's as though he had requested - indeed demanded - that we examine his death thoroughly.
The current owners were terribly affronted by a new owner like Colangelo tossing money around in grandiose fashion.
Certainly for some jammers, parody is perceived, in rather grandiose fashion, as a powerful end in itself.