Bird is buried beneath a grandiose monument in Cathays Cemetery, Cardiff.
There were those initial years of big-time spending, when the Nkrumah regime went through $481 million in foreign reserves to erect grand projects and grandiose monuments.
The conquered planet Earth seemed to be a dumping ground for grandiose monuments that celebrated the fictitious glories of the Titans.
The cemetery's grandiose monuments with inscriptions in many tongues are eloquent proof that they came from many lands and that some made fortunes.
On one hand, wealthy philanthropists favored grandiose monuments that reinforced the paternalistic metaphor and enhanced civic pride.
Before the great pyramids, ancient Egyptian kings left less grandiose monuments to themselves: fortresslike sanctuaries enclosed by mud-brick walls.
He was well known for his "grandiose monuments".
Rome, unlike other, younger European cities, did not erect any new, grandiose monuments for the year 2000, like the Millennium Dome in London.
Most of the obvious symbols of Soviet power, the grandiose monuments to Lenin and Marx, have been pulled down.
Furthermore, in order to commemorate that event, the Communist authorities laid a foundation stone for a grandiose sculptural monument, which failed to materialize.