But Belisarius thought the inhabitants of that grandiose structure had probably survived, as had the majority of the four thousand Ye-tai guarding it.
"Is there some place in this rather grandiose structure where we can meet in private?"
The entire grandiose structure began to lean over, sliding by degrees towards the ground, almost stately.
The grandiose structure survived only a decade before being destroyed by fire in 1857.
Nobunaga then proceeded to renovate the castle into a far more impressive and grandiose structure than its previous incarnation.
The building was still there, a grandiose structure of towers and buttresses made from an attractive mixture of ancient and modern materials.
Work began on this grandiose structure in the spring of 1893 and was completed by 1898.
These grandiose structures preserve the aspirations and fashions of an earlier time.
The design envisaged a grandiose structure consisting of three levels, interconnected with arches plated with Jerusalem stone.
Like the Great Mosque, a contemporaneous and grandiose structure in Timbuktu, the Hall was built of cut stone.