Now, Don Manuel's dream is finally being completed, not as a hotel but as the grandly named World Trade Center.
This is the grandly named Internet Lab.
Indeed, the memory of last week could not be dismissed while the Islanders' three-goal edge was slipping away today against the grandly named Mighty Ducks.
He also acquired the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team for $5.175 million and built his own, grandly named Forum, which was actually Greek-inspired.
One largely unpaved road, the grandly named Copper River Highway, does lead out of town, but after 48 miles it abruptly terminates in the wilderness.
In 1872 the grandly named Dodge City had a few adobe houses, about a dozen frame houses and about two dozen tents.
The predictions are stark, and last month the government produced its white paper - the grandly named Water for Life.
In 1633 the first European settlement was founded on the Atlantic Coast by the grandly named British Providence Company, a contingent of pirates.
You could see the proof on Friday night when hundreds of revelers converged on a grandly named place called Convention Hall: a big, dingy-carpeted room.
But on Thursday, the grandly named Frankfurt Galaxy drafted him.