"granice czegoś" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "granice czegoś" in Polish

  1. boundaries **
    • granice (w relacjach)
      You must respect other people's boundaries.

granice czegoś

  1. the frontiers of something
    • granice czegoś (np. wiedzy)
The U.S.-Mexico Border ... the image to "frontier" in Polish Map of the border region Illustration for a limit of a
  1. line *****
    • granica (np. między krainami) [COUNTABLE]
      He stood on the line between two states.
      We live near the line between Poland and Germany.
    • granica, linia (przenośnie, np. między pracą a zabawą) [COUNTABLE]
      There is a thin line between friendship and love.
      Do you know the line between work and play?
  2. border ****
    • granica (między dwoma państwami) [COUNTABLE]
      We were stopped by the police on the Polish-Russian border.
      You cannot cross the border without a valid passport.
      link synonym: frontier
    • granica (hipotetyczne rozgraniczenie, np. dobrego i złego smaku) [COUNTABLE]
      Border between love and hate is unstable.
      As for me, there is a clear border between good and evil.
  3. frontier **
    • granica (pomiędzy krajami)  BrE [COUNTABLE]
      I live in a city close to the German frontier.
      Our Spanish friends were waiting for us at the frontier.
      In the late 1980's the frontiers were still closed.
      link synonym: border
  4. boundary **
    • granica (obszar graniczny np. między rejonami, strefami, dzielnicami) [COUNTABLE]
      The current boundaries of the town were set in 1862.
  5. perimeter *
  6. threshold **
  7. limit ****
    • granica (funkcji matematycznej, ciągu matematycznego) technical [COUNTABLE]
      Calculate the limit of the x function.
      This function doesn't have a limit.
  8. bound *
    • granica (limit tego, co jest możliwe czy akceptowane) [PLURAL]
      It's beyond the bounds of possibility that we will ever meet.
  9. confine
  10. cap ***
    • granica, szczyt (np. wydatków)
      5000 dollars for a sofa is a cap of our expenses.
  11. borderline
  12. cut-off , cutoff
  13. boundary line
  14. bourne   old use
    If they pass the bourne we won't be able to catch them.
  15. hem
  16. ambit  
    This decision is beyond the ambit of his competence.
  17. pale **
  18. lynchet
  19. bourn   old-fashioned
  20. mete , mete out
  21. fronter ScoE
  1. have one's limits

Related phrases — "granice czegoś"

ograniczać = limit +21 significados
graniczyć = border +1 significado
phrasal verb
graniczny = terminal +1 significado