The grant creates an overthrow and upheaval of ecclesiastical order.
A grant to create a web site to provide information on technology for all LSC programs.
The grant created work time to allow the completion of the research on housing provision in Sweden.
However, the range of special education eligible students in various districts is so broad, that the flat grant based system creates significant disparities in the local effort required.
The grants will create 42 such schools, known as early-college high schools, which will serve about 17,000 students around the nation, the foundation said.
But then modest grants create no constituencies.
In 2011 the museum receives a grants to renew the museum and create a Children museum.
A grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease.
A grant for an uncertain term which takes the form of a yearly tenancy which cannot be determined by the landlord does not create a lease.
The grant created a storm of protest in Mr. Sears's district.