He was not granted leniency for charitable works, medical complications or devotion to family.
Criminal court judges were asked not to grant leniency in cases involving gang members.
Moreover, it also grants leniency for so-called 'Honour killing'.
However, Campbell did not grant Gallinger similar leniency.
The Landsraad members will grant him leniency, and he can get away with actions no one else would dare.
I find myself unwilling to grant leniency in this case before me, as it strikes at the very heart of civilised behaviour.
Who among your readers has been granted leniency for late payment of health insurance premiums?
After the Restoration Henry was arrested for his part in the regicide, but granted leniency because he had refused to sign the king's death warrant.
His remarks did little to persuade Parliament to grant him leniency.
But the agencies' opposition to granting Mr. Pollard leniency may not end the debate over the case, the officials said.