The district aggressively pursues federal and state grant monies to fund its technology initiatives.
"A very important principle of the global fund is we need some assurance that the grant monies are properly spent."
Currently Moffitt receives more than $50 million annually in peer-reviewed grant monies.
This reductionist tendency towards the small problems is reinforced in the way grant monies and academic tenure are assigned.
Since then, the operations have become self-sustaining and the operating fund and development fund have been built up with grant monies.
To execute the expenditure of grant monies.
The Foundation, based in Melbourne, is the independent funding body for Australian community radio and television, distributing more than $15m of federal grant monies annually.
"With promised grant monies rescinded, especially for our Free Shakespeare program, we moved forward with a $25,000 hole," he said.
By the end of FY 98, the influx of grant monies totaled nearly $2.5 million dollars.
The improvements will be made on a priority basis and as grant monies become available.