In South-West Africa, Ovamboland, Kavangoland, and East Caprivi were granted self-determination.
However, unless Israelis decide to grant the Palestinians equality and self-determination, "territorial concessions" can only be token and cannot lead to peace.
A referendum to approve the Évian Accords ending the Algerian War and granting self-determination to Algeria was held in France on 8 April 1962.
The United States absorbed Hawaii as a state and granted self-determination to the people of Micronesia.
Most robots are self-aware and have been granted freedom and self-determination, but while a few are depicted as wealthy members of the upper class, they are often treated as second-class citizens.
And if the French and British had granted 'self-determination' is possible that the result would have been the balkanisation of the area.
(Unlike Mr. Jackson, he would grant self-determination to Palestinians only if Israel agrees that its security would not be compromised.)
Kosovo must certainly be granted self-determination within a democratic Serbia.
We granted self-determination to all our colonies where it was legally possible to do so.
In order to achieve that, they wanted to grant self-determination to Palestinians and to limit the territorial policies of Israel.